How to leverage fitness trends when launching a gym or studio


leveraging fitness industry trends for your new gym start-up

There is zero downside to knowing your industry inside out, end of story. In this video we look at how you can use industry trends in the fitness sector to corroborate or indeed re-evaluate your idea for a new gym business.

This is inspired by Module 1 of our Opening a New Gym or Fitness Studio - Four Steps to Success” business e-course available on this courses page. For more such content follow along on our YouTube channel here as well.

Connecting your new gym business idea with existing industry trends make strategic sense as it helps you build your narrative, becomes part of your storyline and ultimately feeds into your key messaging when the time comes to start communicating to the outside world.

Analyzing fitness trends

But where do you go looking for an example of a trend? The answer to that clearly depends on whether you are industry insider with over 10 years of experience in fitness, or a newcomer migrating across from another profession.

Things to look out for though, include tangible case studies that back up the trend, giving it substance and grounding it in reality.

We want some idea of a trend’s timeline - is it just getting started, reaching maturity or one its way out? Big difference!

We are also interested in any hard data and facts that give a sense of the market value of this new trend, or the slice of your industry that it represents.

where to look for fitness trends

The most obvious route is to use media articles with relevant keywords, such articles should be taken with a pinch of salt however as they are typically written by journalists rather than industry insiders or business analysts, meaning the editorial impact may be of more importance to the author and publisher than how much in-depth research has gone into the piece. 

Which comes first though, media articles discussing a new trend or the case studies illustrating it, chicken or egg? 

So while a healthy dose of skepticism is useful, and you’ll have to use your own judgement for each online source, we have to at least be open to the fact that media give life to the new trends as much as entrepreneurs creating new businesses.

This is just the era we live in people. Better get used to it.

matching your product to a fitness trend

Equally, when there is genuine insight behind a trend, and you are able to apply your specific expertise to matching that unmet need with a new product or service that is perfectly timed for changing consumer tastes, well, then you have found fertile ground.

And that, put simply, is what this whole exercise is about. If are going to dedicate all this time and money to opening a new gym concept, fitness studio or yoga space, at least give yourself a chance by tapping into the current zeitgeist in some way. 

For more business tips for would-be gym or studio owners, follow along on our channel or check out

Fitness BusinessMatt Morley